International Seller!
, by James Garlick, 1 min reading time
, by James Garlick, 1 min reading time
I spend a lot of time and the precious little brain cells I have left, trying to push our pigs in to new markets. Recently focusing on Europe and ways to appeal to our friends across the water. Immersing myself in articles about the 'Dos & Don'ts' I find that a lot can be learned from the socioeconomic factors of a particular country. As an example: citizens of particular countries that don't like to use credit cards or trust online payment portal's.
However, there's one type of customer that fancy marketing techniques don't necessarily work on. These are the 'they looked lovely, so I bought them' type. They simply love buying our products and don't need to have them wrapped in bows with bells. Which is exactly the case with Gertjan from the Netherlands who contacted us and asked Tom (our 'web guy') how to order Pink Pig Sketchbooks.
2 years down the line Gertjan kindly got in touch with us again this week, he wanted to share his travelling sketchbook with us and show us the kind of mixed media sketches that he produces. "Most of the drawings in the blog are in a piggy! ... I do a lot of urban sketching and I get a lot of positive remarks on my piggy’s!"
My personal favourite is the one seen above, a scene he painted in watercolour whilst in Norway.
Gertjan’s blog can be found here: http://gertjanv.blogspot.nl/. As Gertjan says "It is written in Dutch, but I hope my drawings speak for themselves".
Thanks Gertjan, your pictures certainly do, and our extended thanks for keeping in touch! We can't wait to see more.
If you have work in one of our books you'd like to share with us, please send us an email or chat to us on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/PinkPigSketchbooks/