The Roving Note Books Update!
, by James Garlick, 1 min reading time
, by James Garlick, 1 min reading time
Well, it has been a while since we've heard anything from the Notebooks here at Roving Towers. We believe Pippy is still safe with Sofia in Coventry, and Grug is hopefully still very comfortable with Evie in Ilkley, but I'm sure they're both getting itchy feet! - Please let us know if they are ok!
And what of the Jiffle family? Well dad Jiffle is still presumed MIA, but we're very happy that Jiffle Jr was found by his first carer Thomas, who can be seen below having fun in Dalby Forest!
Where will they end up next?! Follow this blog (click button at bottom) and/or twitter (@RovingNotebooks) to keep in touch. You can also email pics/updates etc to - thank you!